Sunday, September 27, 2009

'Theres such a thing as spending too much time together'

I see Priyan (Prez) almost every day, it's been this way for like 4 years. He's probably the coolest person I know, our relationship is a bit like Dorian Gray's and Lord Henry's (lol). Basically I'm like "Don't you ever think about this?" and hes like "No". In the 'about me' section of his profile, he describes himself as 'a bit fried'. I think this is what makes Priyan so beautiful, he's just so unaware of things that other people see, things that make people do things (often toolish things). Things he fails to see are trends and why people look up to certain people, he just does not really give a shit about what other people are doing. He can be this way because what he does with his life (usually doesn't involve people) makes him so happy that he can be content with the world without ever really observing it, and he doesn't feel the need to. All he needs is his wanking hand in good condition, his guitar, and his skateboard and his life is fulfilled.

Anyway, regardless of how cool Priyan is, I'm getting pretty fucking sick of him. He quotes the simpsons all fucking day and its getting a bit stale to be honest. He relates everything to KFC meals, if I ask him something like "would you pay 500 bucks to see Biggie live?" hed be all like "500 bucks, thats like 50 KFC meals". He's afraid of taking a dump at public places, once we had to trek it from Macq uni to his house just so he could do the deed.

So yeah I'm officially announcing that Priyan and I are having a 2 week break. If I see him around, I'll say hi and shit, but thats it.

SHOUT OUT to that chick from New York who follows the blog, SHOUT OUT to my homie saba for being strong enough to have a body builder in submission.

Much Love. xox.


  1. you just want to take this break so u dont have to pay me back. it aint happening big boi

  2. the dirty irony in that u accuse me of quoting the simpsons, yet this post title is a simpsons quote!
