Thursday, September 17, 2009

Have you ever been dumped?

No I'm not talking about taking a dump, though I could write all night about that topic (e.g. taking a dump in public places, taking a dump at a friends house, the mysterious roll of toilet paper on the yees downstairs couch?!??!).

WARNING: This post is kind of gay, not reccomended for men with any kind of masculinity in them (cozzie). Oh wait cozzie's fave movie is suddenly 30 LOLOL. Nah seriously but, emotional outpour follows, proceed with caution.

The point of this post is to review the movie i checked out today '500 days of summer' before this weekend because I don't know if I'll be able to even remember my own address after it. Anyway, I loved this movie bro, I was touched by it (NOT EVEN SARCASM). Basically what happens is - a dude meets a chick, he likes her more than she likes him, she dumps him, he spews about it for about 200 days. Synopsis sounds horrible right? Well dude, open your mind a little. Even New Charles has a soft spot in him, point is - even a cynic could enjoy this movie, why? Because it's done in such a real, original and entertaining way. The realism - the idealist viewer is never given what they want in this movie, if you've ever been dumped before you'd see this movie captures the whole process pretty accurately. The originality - alot of cool, new ways of showing what was going on in the movie and in the heads of the characters. The entertainment - was a funny movie, it paid out silent film and po-mo art, and don't we all hate these things and people who enjoy them?

This movie is about the beauty of falling in love contrasted to the depression of getting shat on on the face (lol in joke ehhh). The way it touched me had nothing to do with the beauty of love, but just from relating to the main character and his ordeals. Good movie! Sooo gonna cop shit for this post lol.

Yeah, so Dorian Grae lol. Kk see you guys on sunday, mmmmMMMWAHHZZZZ


  1. this movie was epic, just like the first paragraph of this review.

  2. did it touch you on the vajayjay too?

  3. yeah real mature twilight.....looooool

  4. saba is the coolest person EVER! heheOctober 1, 2009 at 9:41 PM

    Indy I love you!
