Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Video Roundup

Another buncha' videos for the roundup, though this time we have a coupla movie ones for good measure.

"if money smells bad then this nigga biggie stinkin!"

Couldn't get it on the blog but click the link for the video of the new video for Forever with Drizzy, Kanye, Weazy and..... drum roll..... Eminem!

This movie looks really epic and if you never read this book when you were little read it now ( though its mostly pictures so there won't be really much reading at all, yo big whats up, yo big whats up!)

And of course i had to put it up the trailer for the New Twilight movie, New Moon! It looks like the budget multiplied by a hundred fold and the pasty readings are off the chart, My DBZ scanner would probably explode into my eye Vegeta style if i tried to scan this trailer. There seems to be a whole lot more action and a healthy amount of teen angst, though theres just something about the werewolves which looks a little cheap and i don't care how old she gets Dakota Fanning will never ever ever be scary. Look out in the future for the review of this film. P.S. Even though he wasn't in the trailer hopefully Justin Chon will be back, and hopefully by that time New Charles will still look like him.

He says what were all thinkin' (hi Mrs purdy!!)

Big ups to our Cousin's one eyed dog Max!

"so andy, u best think twice before greening it on the bus!
cause u were passed out like that guy in dinosaur 3,
just like 2pac said "u niggaz cant see me",
yeah i know that line didnt link very well,
cause i was eatin captin crunch and i fell...."

- Prez aka Popa Doc


  1. oh em gee, that banner is perfect. how old Charles of you!

  2. captain crunch huh, U GOT MILK!?!

  3. lol @ bella stacking it purposely on the dirt bike
