Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Easy Like a Sunday Morning

We decided to hang at both Macq uni and centre. On a friday arvo both are pretty chilled and calm, uni students and late arvo shoppers alike all taking it pretty slow. living up to the dead shit name we kinda jus hanged around taking in the scenery, sipping coffees (how uni like aye?) and making half assed witty comments.

sick ( dunno why we found this even semi- funny)

it had to be done

and cue new

When Prez does finally leave our band to pursue his solo career, like McCartney to the Beatles, like Timberlake to Nsync this will be his album cover ( we didn't tell that guy to be blurry)

" its like he's saying what we're all thinking!"

Thinking about the relationship n shit ( my cheek game is proper!)

Chillin like Matt Dillion on Penicillin

1 comment:

  1. oi as if there isnt a hole in the middle of my head in the new slang photo.
