Friday, September 18, 2009

B sides- Part 2

I know you've been patiently waiting and here it finally is... the second installment of B SIDES. Just more and more random pictures and stuff, most of these pictures are actually very old ( even though we only started the whole photo thing about 2 months ago). Enjoy!

New Charles and Prez both gettin their blur on

This is Indy G's car. Though it might not have all the new technology n junk but it has alotta character! Obviously i know absolutely nothing about cars. Its is also funny that thou Indy is the only one of the Comehitthis bloggers who has never been employed, yet he is the driver. ( BTW the license plate number was not purposefully highlighted it just kinda happened).

Whilst getting Chinese eats we bumped into Jeffery Mui, and thou it looks like I'm giving off a disgusted look i was actually stoked to see him. Next time you see Jeffery he'll be above the clouds ( if you need car parts off him i think he might be sellin some stuff)

Chillin' with the notorious P.H.Y.L.L.I.S parts 1 & 2

New Charles rims, sittin on 22's!

I've never seen two people more satisfied in my life

I decided to take prez on a scenic tour of East Ryde, and i'm not going to lie we saw some pretty hectic shit!

This is how this pic came to be....
" Hey prez is that a dog or a small horse?"- Andy
" i think its a dog"- Prez
" Hey can we take a picture with your dog?"- Prez
" ....Yes"- Old man Ryde
This dog was the biggest dog I've ever seen, i swear i could have rode it if i really wanted to ( though i probably would have killed it)

" the hills are alive with the sound of musiccccc"

Prez standing under the old glowing sign (This is the cover for his second solo album)

That's it for b sides, will be more in the future.

1 comment:

  1. that dog could have easily made us its bitch.
