Friday, February 26, 2010

Good Morning America, Good Afternoon Canada, Good Evening...International....Countries: Fijiland Pt 1.

Bula holmes, so were in the sweet motherland of the Fijis nearing the end of our 2 week expedition. This is pretty much the first time we've had internet in a week due to ruffing it survivor style on an island, but more on that later.....
Our Trip consists of mostly 2 parts (1 week of familia in Suva and the other on an island in Nadi) Yeah Fiji is made up of only 2 main cities with 3rd world steez villages in the middle. So yes, u can literally drive from one side of the country to the other in 3 hours offft.
So with this post ill sum up Suva, that mexican will fill in the blanks for the other week.

To sum Suva up its the capital of the country, where the main "city" is at, about the size of a smaller maq maybe but not chat. Theres no real beaches or sterotypical Fijian things, but a lotta random stuff and cheap bumming. With our eyes and ears peeled for lols this is what we saw....

At the airport we saw this ad, tuna eating, barrel chasing,....weezy listening...?

Chillin with the fam, yes these 2 are cousins, how messed is the gene pool aye?

For the Kwang Mang....Yeehhhhh Sahhnnnn

ROTI......bizzaro world for the curry hombres and craig davids of the world. What is this Prez's nightmare? (notice though $10 its actually only really like $5 AU, sick juannnnnn).

RICE bowl, tried it, kinda chat. but for like 3 bux AUS this might be the new snack box. Can i jus say chode on wheels?

Unlike Australia theres no real competition when it comes to movie theaters, theres only just this giant movie cinema basically in the middle of town. Its pretty sick with movies only being like $5 (or 5 dowla) fijian, so basically its dirt cheap. It also has a campy handpainted steez to it .....what an eye sore!!

Fiji is first and foremost a country of traditions. They saw the cheap, easy to apply and remove movie posters most modern theatres use and said "thats good and all, but where gonna paint these dodgy posters of semi out of date movies". Case and point this sick painting of Jean Claude Van Dam as the legendary Guile from the 1998 classic Street Fighter. Someone got promoted over this one.

we'll do a review of Wolfman soon, but let me give you a heads up....its shit LOL.

How did Indys brosef's car get here?

Quite ruff

The chances were astronomical, but somehow we found the realest car in Fiji. Its even got custom wind screen wipers, Vin Diseasl would be jealous.

Metallic Blue rain steez, you aint got shit on dozzeeee

Top it off with a transformers badge BIG DAWG STYLLEE (funkmaster flex voice)

For the nicca New Charles, HUSTLINNN!!!!!! The Fijians know whatsup

Okay, first and foremost Andrew is now promoted to the "Drake" of fiji. Refering to the half jew, actor lesssbbiannnnnnhonnensttt rapper. Islanders love him for some reason and always go out of their way to smile and say hello to him, here he is pretty much a minature version of a real islander - kinda smaller and lighter in colour..... that is why this must be done....
oh yeah also watch the ad its lols

The best drink in fiji, kinda taste like a flat coke but lace it with a little blow and its good shiteeeee, ALABAMA KUSHHHHHHH

good ol.....Sprint?

so that pretty much sums up the whole suva experience....well not really but hey smoke em if you got em right?


  1. hahaha Now I'm craving KFC! Sick post

  2. Fuckin' lol at the XZIBIT Corolla.

  3. Aw, is Wolf Man shit? :(
    Hehe, I like the Cumming St! I found a Bongbong Street in Kiama!
