Monday, February 8, 2010

Killuminati through your body, blows like a 12 gauge shotty, feel me!

Bored at work......this will be a long one....

So no ones blogged in a while pretty much because nothing much has really happened. Its been hella muggy, rainy just maddd shotnot weather. We were all collectivly sposed to go to this convict island's sweet motherland of Canberra to visit Smitty but that got called off so that gives us two free days. So yeh it looks like the bbq might actually happen along with us recording T-Swift this week (offttt gg charles on vocallls, she also won a Grammy for something, fate tells us this cover must be done).

On the topic of this guy during a moment of being capped+boredom Charlie made a fan page for teh blog on facebook here so best hit that shit up. He also got a job. teching kids. economics. mad legit. and also cannot drive for the week. Due to these combined factors Charles has now been promoted to the role of the "Ted Moseby" of the crew, with former Ted, Prez being upgraded to Robin (yes, upgraded) So if you see him just say "stop being such a Ted", this will =win.

Also it seems taht nicca John Mayer is coming to Sydney in May. The king of hypotheticals, he mustve read the blog and wants to sesh, this guyyy. Well tickets go on sale like ?Feb 19th? so hit us up like the 3 other ppl who are fans and wanna come with lol.

Who Would You Rather Go?
So this classical hypothetical has made a comeback recently. it is known as the ultimate "rather go" hypotyhetical due to its mad evenness. it is:

"Queen Latifah or Hallie Berry with a Spoon for a Head?"

hit us up in the comments for your angle, me id say Queen Latifah, it was a hard one though. think about it.

That nicca Mikey Mike is in the Phillipenes where he is currently what appears to be king.


So shoutout to Jonas (who now has sick dreds), Lisa and all of Keno's southeast broduhss and nigrettes.
Oh yeh for those of you who dont know Mike(Smoke Dogg) Yee is a rapper. real talk
props to Killa for making this ages ago.
when searching wiki there was search history for "words that rhyme with world" LOL sick juan.

I also might try and make some test shirts before i go Fiji so if u want one hit us up so i can a rough idea on how much to order.

SO cauullllddd in thaa D


  1. in that first photo mike looks like ted lols

  2. i would defs choose hallie berry because you could see ur own reflection, its like having mirrors on the ceiling but only of you.

  3. Defs hit us up with the T-shirts!

  4. shirts are good n all but the real worry is the "rather go" sitch. asking around it appears like heaps more ppl would rather go spoonface.....SPOONFACE!! its like only me and charles for latifah? anyone else?

  5. andy-
    i would probably haf to say spoon face. BUT if Latifah had a forest gump voice on the other hand....
