Sunday, January 3, 2010

Keen Beans.

So before we completely let go of '09 i thought there were a few things that needed to be wrapped up. The first is the yearly traditon to the great asian adventure to the *exotic* boxing day sales. One day a year the mostly respectable upper side of Sydney city is transformed into a keen-mans flea market (haggling, humidity inside an air conditioned room, strange smells etc.) . Non believers of a traditional Christmas, Asians line up in the wee hours of the morning to catch a cheapp bargain, its in their blood. Being the gooks we are we fought all pre-conceived cbfness and probably showed the most keeness we had ever the whole year jetting from the crib at like 5 in the morning. keen. as.
Well since im the one that usually "gets done", I thought it was only right that I hit this.
Oh yeh, also shoutout to that chick from DJ's with the tatts hahaa, youdafukinbest Ryuto Knows!

The Supreme Keen Team joined by blog newcomers Tomo whose hobbies include studying lawl and being Japanese and Hanul whose hobbies include being big and asian.

"The Holy Trinity of Hip Hop is us, we give Dre his props, but thats where its stops, its the Roc Gooks"

Friedness ensues, living in slow motion

cbf eyes lol, cameo from Shang Tsung in the middle

Bringing Eastwood to the City lol

Eye-Rollolingly good

Cameo by Jorge from Andy's media party fame

B-Boy Chi!

"Hey guys does this look tight?"
"nah man your good" "ok"
......"you got done!"

yeah, deez nutsssssss pt2.

Twilight, his skin shines like diamonds!


ya never seen a chevy with the butterflyy doooor!

Oxford Street steez where the animals walk the people

I guess this is my first real "rant" so ill give it a shot, my view of '09 lol. So alotta people thought 2009 was crap, forgettable and the year of the CBF. IMO it was a fast blur, probs not at all the best but mostly I found that it just solidified things that you already had (work, uni, people etc.) nothing super exciting though a few things came to mind when reflecting. Yes this is on the interwebz now, we will never forget! lol

009 was...
  • Party Bus -If you were there you would know why this was memorable, eshay fest of 09' blood, guts, was all there. Traumatic as hell lol
  • New Charles - Okay this guy deserves credit, he successfully quit smoking and started again in the same year, doesnt work but is able to run his murked out car (recently it has been noted that he looks like Hahn from fast and furious 3 lol) and be mosty DFW. How is this possible? But MOST OF ALL, in a brief moment of weakness we discovered that he believes in the existence of a whoa! weezyyyyyyy
  • Soccer - Well 4 of the boys (Priyan, Kabs, Charles, Cheung) got keen enough to enter into a weekend sport club. This did not end good with 3 of them getting owned, Craig David getting the worst end of the stick (though this recovery time was crucial to keys to the vip study). This injury effected Prez the most by taking away his skating skillz. On the plus side he became very very pro at guitar (peep the blog songs!), has pantene-like hair and is now the lead in our band lol.....wait we have a band?!
  • Eastwood/Epping - Shoutout to GJ's (ice coffee on the reg), Chico, Karaoke dudes, ...homers, RED, pork rololls, legends all year every year "closing sale", eagle boyshayz, pay and spray, the log (bumping into chapman), Ant's crib, Dan Murphy's, Number 10 (the mysterious pork chop burger lol) and all of the Eastwood boys somehow becoming stoners LOL (AK, RJ watup!)
  • Indy's car - Vital to the uni sem, lets hope it makes it for the next 10 years! looks mad and reflects cbfness/the chill. Brings out d and m ness aswell as the unasked for answer of "handjob". It also smells sick imo. Good music, good times.
  • Slang/Lingo - eshay, green-it, cbf, keen, know the rest
  • Music - Sadly MJ died but this left room open for the rise for the likes of Lil Wayne and the Lady Gagas of the world lol. Many group luls have ensued from weezy and his weed carriers. As mentioned before by that Mexican, the last quarter of the year saw a rise of Korean Musics.......yeah..(Jaebaum lol) as well as Indie tunes to go hand in hand with cofa/playing guitar/mayer/pastiness/cofa/Michael Cera etc.
Im sure there was a heap more, if you remember anything hit it up. PEASSSSSssss to 2009! On to the Next ONE!

  • New Year Day 7am nothing fight
  • Charles learns to swim and how to love LOL
  • will get P's (maybe)

Thanks for reading! Weezy :(

1 comment:

  1. new Charles.. learn to love LOL!!...gonna be a rough year saaaan
