Sunday, April 4, 2010

Here We Go Buddy/ideovays ounduprays

hey long time no post! This post is kinda halfway between filler and a real post. Kinda like a snack box, not a meal but pretty close-ish. This is good value post as i'm jam packing in two shit posts into one mediocre one, crazy right?!?!

Well it might be surprising to some of you, but yes i do have a life outside of Come Hit This. Though granted its not a very stable/decent one i gets bizzy just fine. Anyways for a subject i'm doin they asked me to make a blog where I'd post my creative works (that sounded a bit gay) and other stuff. So yes i now have my own blog which you can check here...

Will this mean that Comehitthis will become a four man affair? Well not really, i'll be here, but also updating this other blog with slightly more serious stuff. And when i mean serious stuff i mean non racial/ pasty/ceebs/pseudo homosexual behavior (actually i might reconsider that last one), basically all the stuff that make this blog great. So check that blog if you can be bothered, if not how ceebs are you to click one link?

Also heres a buncha videos that are on and poppin on the interwebs....

Should be defs good, the comic was sick and it looks like they got it right. Unless Cera somehow does this movie in, it can't miss (and there is a semi high chance of that).

Now if you don't know, between me and Crez we have a soft spot for these kinda movies. And when i mean these movies i don't mean comedies or family films, i mean a combination of both mixed with blackness! If you want some example of these movies they include Takes Two, roll bounce, and etc etc etc, a list that is almost endless. Now this movie will most defiantly not be good, but its got that guy who plays damon in Friday After Next so thats alrite.

And congrats to Twilight/New Charles for gettin out of the hospital, i think Indy G or crez are gona do a post on the visit. Heres a sneak peek...


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