Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well the upcoming twilight sequel is coming out in just over a month and tweens everywhere are dying from anticipation. i thought this would be as good as time as any to give a review of the Twilght movie for the hell of it.

I really can't be bothered going over the whole synopsis as you either know it by heart it wouldn't really care to begin with, but its basically a romance with vampires. BUT not just any vampires, ones that can control their blood lust, not die in the sun ( in fact they shine like diamonds, Get yo shine on ddddd damn) and can drive Volvos'. Why can they do any of this? because they just can and it's pointless to argue, let it be and move on.

Kirsten Stewart, god's gift to dudes who like pasty chicks ( basically all the comehitthis bloggers). While her actual acting abilities can be argued shes got the awkward shit in spades, lets just say when the war breaks out and awkwardness becomes currency she'll be the new Master P ( is that guy still rich? UGHH). Apparently there was a photo taken of here smokin' a pipe or something which is SICK, and makes it easy to oversee her semi clumsy delivery of some lines and kinda strange stuttering.

Nothing really to much to say about Robert Pattinson, besides the most memorable scene in the movie when it kinda looks like he jizzes his pants or something ( had a good lol to that shit), and chicks go ape shit at even a printed picture of him . He might be the male equivalent of Katy Perry as he is pasty, doesn't really sing or make music... basically his pale and that's thumbs up in my book ( my rhymebook).

And i a way relating this to the poll i choose Katy Perry before the second hypothetical choice even was decided, if Kristen Stewart will be the Master P than Katy Perry would be the Jigga man of the new world

This didn't really end up being a traditional 'review' and ended more like a badly punctuated rant, and while it may seem like i hated twilight i didn't. Actually i liked this movie and will probably receive deserved shit for saying so. Maybe its cause i like vampires, romantic comedies sorta, or the fact that under this dark cholo exterior i'm very childish and immature at heart ( basically im a kinder suprise) but this movie was alright to pretty good . When the next movie comes out i might ACTUALLY review it, but most probably will end up ranting about pasty chicks.

Big ups to whoever was in charge of the casting for hiring an asian guy to add some eastern pasty to the mix, and big up to fellow blogger new Charles for lookin like him ( La Push nicca!)

and if any twilight fans somehow find this blog ( have no idea how you would) please don't come at me offended or something i couldn't handle that shit ( seriously i couldn't, and why is the polls so close,WHY ISN'T KP DOMINANTING?!)



  2. "Actually i liked this movie and will probably receive deserved shit for saying so. Maybe its cause i like vampires, romantic comedies sorta, or the fact that under this dark cholo exterior i'm very childish and immature at heart ( basically im a kinder suprise) "

    I LOL'd!

  3. check it, counter clockwise spinners.
